Mz. Picklez
The 2020 Run For The Animals is dedicated in memory of Mz. Picklez
Remembering Mz. Picklez (Picklez)
It’s been a year since Mz. Picklez passed. She was an absolutely wonderful, beautiful doggie, who brought much joy and love into my life. I found her at a local shelter and adopted her for $26.50!
Picklez came into my life at a sad time; she rescued me and I rescued her, as it was a sad time in her life as well. She had been roaming the streets of Los Angeles for about a month before she was finally picked up as a stray. She was starving, I could count every rib and vertebrae down her spine. She only weighted 49 pounds, which was about half of what her full body weight should have been. Because of the starvation, she always had food issues.
One day I left out a 20 pound bag of raw russet baking potatoes, Picklez tried to eat the entire bag, leaving only a few. She also would walk along the rose garden and pick off the rose hips (rose seed pods) and eat them like a deer. Picklez had large ears that she would always put up whenever I opened a bag of potato chips!
Picklez was high spirited, she could jump straight up in the air as high as my head with all four paws at my eye level! One day she launched herself up a thickly branched pine tree. I’m not sure how high she went, but it was truly a miracle that she made it back down safely. She also enjoyed mountain hikes and rolling in the grass and most especially in the snow.
Picklez was very smart and knew a lot of tricks. When she was working for treats, we would begin with the easy ones and get progressively harder, however she knew our routine well. It went like this; sit, paw, sit up pretty, speak, speak louder, down, crawl and finally play dead. Playing dead was always the trump card, which would earn her whatever treats I was still holding. So sometimes she would just skip the tricks and go immediately to playing dead. It wasn't that the trick was so hard that earned her the treats, it was how she did it that made it so special, making it our favorite trick. She would lay with her head and body down, except for her butt, it would stick up in the air and she would look at me and wag her tail! But, she didn’t wag her tail like a normal dog, side to side, she wagged hers in a circle, like a helicopter!
Picklez was very special; after eating chew bones, she liked to wash her face, like a cat. She would lick her paws and wash her face; starting from all the way behind her ears and go down her face to her nose. But, what I remember and miss most about her, is her eyes; they were very expressive. She was truly amazing and special. I can’t believe that I got such a wonderful doggie from a shelter in LA for an adoption fee of $26.50 and got a lifetime of wonderful memories.......priceless.
I will forever miss and love you, Mz. Picklez Y
Suzanne Johnson